Kurssi on tarkoitettu tietokantopalvelujen ylläpitäjille ja omistajille sekä muille data-ammattilaisille, kuten Data Engineereille ja arkkitehdeille sekä tietokantasovelluksia kehittäville sovelluskehittäjille.
Opit muun muassa seuraavat taidot:
- SQL Server -tietokantojen arviointi siirtoa varten
- Azure SQL -ratkaisuiden hyödyntäminen
- SQL Server -työkuormien siirto Azure SQL:ään
- Jälkisiirtotehtävien suorittaminen Azure SQL:ssä
Module 1: Design a SQL Server migration strategy
In this module, you’ll learn the phases of a migration and the steps involved to ensure your migration project is executed smoothly. You’ll also learn the purpose of data platform modernization and see the benefits it can bring to your organization.
Module 2: Assess SQL Server databases for migration to Azure SQL
Assessment tools such as Azure SQL Migration extension for Azure Data Studio, Azure Migrate, and Data Migration Assistant facilitate the migration of SQL Server databases to Azure.
Module 3: Deploy IaaS solutions with Azure SQL
Configure virtual machine sizing, storage, and networking options to ensure adequate performance for your database workloads. Choose and configure appropriate high availability options.
Module 4: Deploy PaaS solutions with Azure SQL
Provision and deploy Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL managed instance. Select the appropriate options when performing a migration to the SQL PaaS platform.
Module 5: Migrate SQL Server workloads to Azure Virtual Machine
You will explore different migration tools and migrate SQL Server databases to Azure Virtual Machine.
Module 6: Migrate SQL Server workloads to Azure SQL Database
You will explore different migration tools and migrate SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database.
Module 7: Migrate SQL Server workloads to Azure SQL Managed Instance
You’ll explore different migration tools and migrate SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Managed Instance.
Module 8: Perform post-migration tasks on Azure SQL
You’ll explore different features and tools to help you maintain Azure SQL environments.