Category: Modern Work
Business digitalization and knowledge management
Business Solutions
Cloud infrastructure
Metaverse & AI
Modern Work
OpenAI Azure Service
Sulava Advisor Services
Sulava News

Microsoft announces licensing changes for Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Teams in EEA and Switzerland

Sulava Triumphs as Microsoft Modern Work Partner of the Year for Fourth Consecutive Year

Can industrial metaverse solve the labour shortage challenge? Explore the project

What’s new in Microsoft Whiteboard today and what’s on the roadmap

Microsoft’s latest breakthrough is in leadership

Viva Intranet – the components of a modern intranet

Microsoft Mesh – THE platform for the Metaverse

It’s a double win for Sulava at the Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards

Microsoft Viva Insights – Activity Tracker for the Workplace

Use case examples how business and organizations can use Metaverse