Knowledge sharing and digital processes are not only the prerogative of office workers. Teams and other Microsoft Cloud platforms change the way firstline/frontline workers work. Microsoft Teams can be used in a wide range of ways to support organisation services and internal information sharing. Power Platform enables the fast and agile development of applications to automate manual processes.

We provide your organisation with comprehensive support in digitalisation, regardless of your company’s starting point. If necessary, we will give you recommendations on licences and hardware that allow your employees access to the information they need. When this is in order, we help your organisation identify the most business-critical processes and employee groups whose work is in need of modernisation.

Together with the management and the employees, we create a vision of the will for change, which is then broken down into manageable and implementable pieces. Sometimes these pieces are related to Microsoft technologies, sometimes they are not. However, the end result is always a change that improves productivity and is visible throughout the organisation, from top management to the daily activities of each employee.

Our services

Frontline worker change vision and roadmap

Where should your process begin for the digitalisation of frontline worker processes? What can be achieved through new, accessible and affordable cloud platforms?

Teams in the field

Phased deployment of Teams for different employee groups, from planning to technical implementation, training, and change metrics.

Process digitalisation

Quick, agile and end-user-oriented process digitalisation and application development with Power Platform.


We will analyse the current situation with the deployment of digital services in mind and give recommendations, for example, on the best hardware and licence options.


We offer a wide range of training opportunities related to Microsoft technologies!

You can take part in our public training sessions or we can tailor the training to suit your needs.

Sulava Advisor Services

You will ensure that your Microsoft environment supports your business goals and that any issues are solved quickly and reliably.

Your company will always have access to information on all currently available and future services and features. Choose from our services according to your needs.