Digital Workplace as a Service by Sulava: A New Way to Work in the Cloud

Nothing is, nor will be static anymore in rapidly changing digital world. Businesses and employees face various challenges and opportunities that require them to adapt and innovate constantly. For instance, the outbreak of COVID-19 and the boat stuck in the Suez Canal are examples of macro and micro level events that have impacted how we work and communicate.

Moreover, technology brings an extra twist. For instance, Microsoft changes its cloud estate with thousands of features, month over month. Another level of change that our customers are facing are internal business related: strategy updates, new employees, role changes, and last but not least migrations and carve-outs.

How can you keep up with these changes and create a modern, flexible, and secure digital workplace that supports your business needs and goals? Sulava, a leading Microsoft cloud partner in Finland, has the answer for you: Digital Workplace as a Service.

Digital Workplace as a Service by Sulava is a new service model that we offer to help customers leverage the full potential of Microsoft cloud technologies and let them to focus on day to day business. With this service model, Sulava will provide you with continuous development, support, and training for your digital workplace, ensuring that it is always evergreen, efficient, and aligned with your business objectives.

The key principles of Digital Workplace as a Service by Sulava are:

Continuous development

Sulava is with you every step of the way to ensure a successful adoption of new capabilities and features. We will monitor and evaluate your digital workplace performance and user feedback on an ongoing basis, and suggest improvements and enhancements accordingly. We will also keep you updated on the latest features and innovations from Microsoft, and help you implement them in your digital workplace.

Always evergreen

Our dedicated consultants will keep you and your environment always up-to-date.

Sulava IPR Library

No need to re-invent the wheel. We innovate and you will harvest. We will provide you with access to its exclusive library of our resources, which includes best practices, templates, tools, and solutions for various Microsoft cloud technologies.

You can use these resources to customize and optimize your digital workplace according to your specific needs and preferences.

Uncovering use cases

Our design thinking process will help your teams to uncover the best use cases for your digital workplace, based on your business processes, workflows, and goals. Sulava will also help you measure and demonstrate the impact and return on investment (ROI) of these use cases on your business outcomes.

From reactive to proactive

We will help you to navigate trough the feature jungle and pick all the relevant changes for you to shift from a reactive to a proactive approach in managing your digital workplace. Instead of waiting for problems or issues to arise, Sulava will help you anticipate and prevent them by using advanced analytics, monitoring, and automation tools.

We will also help you proactively engage and empower your users by providing them with self-service options, feedback channels, and community forums.

Training is key in people journey

From know it all to learn it all. Sulava will help you train and educate your users on how to use the Microsoft cloud technologies effectively and efficiently. We will provide you with various training formats and methods, such as online courses, webinars, workshops, coaching sessions, gamification, and certifications.

Sulava will also help you create a culture of learning and collaboration among your users by fostering knowledge sharing, peer support, and recognition.

Security, governance, and compliance

We will help you ensure that your digital workplace is secure, governed, and compliant with the relevant laws and regulations. Sulava will help you design and implement policies, rules, roles, permissions, and audits for your digital workplace.

Responsible, sustainable, and ethical

We’ll help you create a digital workplace that is responsible, sustainable, and ethical. Sulava will help you reduce your environmental footprint by using cloud technologies that are energy-efficient and carbon-neutral. Sustainability isn’t just the footprint conversation. That is also a culture. How to create a sustainable digital organization.

We’ll also help you promote social responsibility by using cloud technologies that are accessible, inclusive, and diverse.

Digital Workplace as a Service by Sulava is the ultimate solution for creating a modern digital workplace that can adapt to the changing world. With this service model, you can enjoy the benefits of Microsoft cloud technologies without worrying about the challenges or risks. You can focus on your core business activities while Sulava takes care of your digital workplace.

If you are interested in learning more about Digital Workplace as a Service or want to schedule a free consultation with our experts, please contact us today. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

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