It’s a double win for Sulava at the Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards

Sulava has once again seen success with two local award wins at this year’s Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards. We are delighted to have successfully secured two Microsoft Finland accolades in the Country Partner of the Year nomination as the only Finnish partner in two categories; Teams and Modern Work/Security & Compliance.

Appreciation goes to the entire Sulava team and we are very proud that our hard work has been recognized by Microsoft via these two award wins. We have been Finland’s leading cloud partner since 2010, made possible by the incredible knowledge and expertise of our teams and our continuous investment in training and development. Through our top-tier training and learning services, we are also able to develop our customers’ expertise and help them reap the full benefits of their investment in Microsoft technologies.

In addition to our unrivalled expertise, our success is based on our genuine desire to work in partnership with our customers. Practically most of Finland’s leading companies and organisations are Sulava’s customers, and we share a common goal to be at the forefront of developing and improving working life through technology.

Sulava is one of the world’s first Microsoft Metaverse partners. According to a recent McKinsey survey, 95% of executives interviewed believe the Metaverse will open up new business opportunities and bring significant positive effects.

These two award wins are at the heart of the Metaverse, and the upcoming Mesh expansion from Microsoft Teams will significantly accelerate our customers’ transition to the Metaverse. We have been dedicated to building Sulava’s Metaverse offering with our customers over the past year and look forward to the many exciting developments ahead.

Get to know our Teams services

Get to know our security and our compliance services

About the Awards

The renowned Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards acknowledges outstanding successes and innovations by partners in over 100 countries. Every year, award recipients are selected based on their commitment to customers, the impact of their solutions and their exemplary use of Microsoft technologies.