Impact of coronavirus on Sulava’s operations

Updated 6th of August 2021:

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In Sulava, the safety and well-being of everyone -our own employees, our customers and partners is our number one priority. We strictly follow the guidelines of the National Institute for Health and Welfare and the Government.

As the coronavirus situation deteriorates, we recommend to all our customers the use of the coronavirus flash app koronavilkku and the use of face masks when visiting the office in Finland:

We continue to do our very best to help all our customers to cope with this current situation. You can trust us to help you to do this by effectively leveraging digital tools and services and flexibly adapting operations to the ever-changing situation.

We have expanded both our free and paid training selection to fully cover changes in work culture and use of Microsoft cloud technology, caused by the corona virus. We have created several ready-made solutions and operating models for our customers, how to move to remote work or back to office, to improve communication and to support the work and safety of those in the field.

Trainings in hybrid mode for the time being

We deliver the trainings as hybrid courses, which you can attend either online through Teams or on-site in the classroom. Please come to the class only without any COVID-like symptoms and preferably fully vaccinated. If you want to change the form of participation, please notify us at least one week before the start of the course. We will send you a new invitation with a participation link and information for the online participant. This ensures a smooth learning experience.

Contact information for the training centre’s customer service: or 020 740 2790

The operation of the test centre will continue unchanged

The Test Centre will continue functioning same as before. We have stepped up our precautionary measures at our locations: cleaning and disinfection to prevent any infection. We have disposable masks available on our premises and we recommend using them.

Sulava consulting business

As the situation deteriorates and for the time being, we continue to recommend remote work for our employees. Working in offices is allowed, while closely considering the health status of our employees. In customer meetings, we prefer Teams meetings, but face-to-face meetings are also possible. For those at risk, we use case-by-case consideration.


The coronavirus now and in the long term affects everyone of us. Even in this situation, we are leaning strongly on our values, for example:

  • Strive for the best and Share what you know: We have the world’s best expertise in leveraging Microsoft cloud services to help you work more efficiently. In this situation, we need to be able to share our knowledge not only with our customers but also with anyone else who needs our expertise.
  • Take Care: Right now, the primary task of Sulava is to take care of our employees, our customers and our partners. We need to be able to harness our expertise to the benefit of others so that each organization can act in all the situations ahead of us.
  • We Succeed Together: In the current situation, no one can survive alone. We will not leave anyone alone in this situation either, but will work together to resolve any difficulties that may arise.
  • You Have The Power: There is no room for selfishness in this situation. We must all take care of ourselves and our neighbours, but in addition we must also do our utmost for society and especially for the most vulnerable ones.

Further information Juha Heikkonen, HR Director, 0505541641