Demonstrate your skills and obtain a certification! In our training facilities, we have an official Pearson VUE test center where you can take certification exams for technologies like Microsoft, Cisco, and Adobe. Our test center in Kaisaniemi, Helsinki, is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30am to 4pm.

Purchase the vouchers directly from Sulava

Do you need multiple vouchers? If you purchase 2 or more vouchers, you can get a 10 % discount with the coupon vouchervolume. The purchased vouchers do not have to be of the same type to receive the discount, so the coupon can be used for example when purchasing one Advanced voucher and one Fundamentals voucher.

Good to know before booking the exam

  1. Register to the Microsoft Learning portal before scheduling the exam. See instructions.
  2. You will need a Microsoft Exam Voucher to book the exam. You can purchase a suitable voucher directly from Sulava’s online store.
  3. Exam bookings can only be made through Pearson VUE’s website. Book your exam here.
  4. Sulava’s training and test center is located in Kaisaniemi, Helsinki, at Vuorikatu 14 B, 3rd floor. Welcome and good luck with your exam!

For more information on Microsoft’s certification paths, please visit Microsoft Learn.

Janne Jalava


You can reach the test center by phone at +358 (0)9 4190 2424 or by email at

If you don’t pass Microsoft’s first exam, you can retake it as follows:

  • 1st retake after 24 hours
  • 2nd and 3rd attempt after 14 days
  • 4th and 5th attempt after 14 days

If you fail the exam after the fifth attempt, you will be barred from taking the same test for 12 months.