Explore the Future of Analytics – Introducing Microsoft Fabric

Microsoft Fabric is a SaaS cloud service that combines modern tools needed for modern data storage and reporting under one service. Scalable analytics are often complex and the related infrastructure is expensive to maintain. Analytics is also often siloed and fragmented across multiple teams in many organizations. Microsoft Fabric strives to address these common analytics challenges.

How is Fabric different from other analytics tools?

Traditionally, different services and tools related to modern analytics have had to be purchased separately as separate PaaS and SaaS services. There may be several different analytics-related services, tools and solutions in different parts of the organization, and managing the whole is often challenging. Each service and product must be managed as a separate entity and at the same time ensure that all the different services also integrate seamlessly with each other.

Often different services and tools are also from several different service providers, which may make it difficult to coordinate the tools. It is often not easy and requires a lot of work, technical understanding and professional skills to form a functional and scalable entity. The integration, storage, computation, orchestration, modeling, and visualization of data have traditionally involved separate services or tools in many cases. Microsoft Fabric combines all of these under one service.

How do I set up Fabric?

Microsoft Fabric has a visual user interface that, at least for Power BI users, is very easy to adopt. Various data tools are easy and effortless to deploy. The implementation of different tools does not require a separate IT team to set up and manage resources, everything works from the beginning. Integration between different tools works seamlessly, from data integration to Power BI reports. Managing the whole is much easier when everything is connected to one portal.

Different data professionals can work with data and reports in one and the same service. This reduces the siloing of different teams into their own compartments and makes it easier to collaborate between multiple teams in general.

Read more about Fabric licenses here.

Utilize data agilely in Fabric

Sharing data within an organization is easier and doesn’t require additional infrastructure, data pipelines, or management to move data between different teams. The data stored in Microsoft Fabric is stored in an open format in OneLake, from where it can be shared with different teams for different analytical purposes, such as reporting or machine learning models. In Microsoft’s words; OneLake is like OneDrive but for data. This allows for better collaboration between different teams and parts of the organization.

Data integrations and data pipeline orchestration Microsoft Fabric has Data Factory, which is a similar service to what is found in Microsoft Azure. Apache Spark clusters are available for processing and transforming massive data masses, which are easy to scale as needed. For more traditional SQL-based data processing and modeling, it is possible to create SQL databases.

Fabric can also be utilized for real-time analytics. All that data can also be used to create different machine learning models. Finally, the results and data obtained by different data professionals can be reported in the familiar Power BI tool and shared with users.

What kind of users is Fabric suitable for?

Microsoft Fabric is suitable for all types of organizations, whether smaller or large. Fabric can be scaled according to need and use.

Want to learn more about Microsoft Fabric?

If you’d like to hear more about the possibilities of Microsoft Fabric in your organization, we’re here to help! Contact us using the footer form or sales@sulava.com to discuss more.

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